Sunday, September 28, 2008

The second section of Deception Point was better than the first in the sense that it picked up the pace a lot. I was so shocked to learn that the person behind contacting Gabrielle was Marjorie Tench. At first I kept asking, “What could she possibly have to gain by bringing down her own candidate?”, but I quickly decided that it had to deal with some sort of trickery. When Norah, Michael, Rachel and Corkey were attacked it didn’t come as that much of a shock, due to the fact that Ming had already been killed, along with the mysterious other scientist from the beginning. I feel like some of our questions are finally being answered in this section as well. There are too many things though, that are only half answered. Even though not all of the questions are answered, at least some of them are. At least the partial answers help us to start making connections on our own about what is going on and what might happen in the future. I also like how the answers that we are given aren’t given in such a way that it just seems like you’re being told straight out. They’re still surrounded by that aura of mystery that makes you have to fill in the blanks from the context clues. My new questions are, however, which ones of their friends and colleges will die before the “bad guys” are brought to justice? Who else will be killed? Possibly William Pickering? Or will he escape? If he dies, will it be before or after the escaped trio reaches him? Also, how many others will we learn that, although we once had faith in them, we can no longer trust? And will someone who we have already learned to dislike be the very one who is able to help them the most?

1 comment:

lena baker said...

I agree with you that the book is picking up. And I’m really glad that he doesn’t seem to give the answers straight out, Brown doesn’t talk down to his readers, and for that I’m grateful. I was really confused about the Marjorie Tench thing too. At first I thought she was giving Gabrielle the information to make the hit harder for Sexton when the news about the meteorite came out, but then I remembered that Sexton had been using the NASA theme for longer than a week. So then why was Tench giving Gabrielle the information; that would mean that she knew about the meteorite before the President, so she’s behind the deception, or she’s trying to bring down the President, I really can’t think of any other reason for giving information to the opponent. Either way it appears the Marjorie Tench is up to no good. Oh wait, maybe she and the President are both in on it, which would still mean that Tench is bad. Hmmm…