Sunday, September 28, 2008

Post Swei

While reading this section of the book I was happy that the story line was picking up more. Each chapter left me wanting to read the next one. But once I finished and started reflecting, I realized that I was excited to read the next chapter because it was the only way to figure out what was going on. Brown kept switching back and forth between characters without telling us anything, he was continually restating the problems. It also annoyed me that Rachel and Mike both suddenly thought of past events that helped them when they got stuck; events that the reader wasn’t present for. The politics of the election and the meteorite are intensifying now, which I’m glad for, and overall the book is getting better, though the whole being confused through everything isn’t going away. I’ve been trying to figure out if Tench is bad or not, it seems a bit too obvious for her to really be behind the deception, but I can’t think of anyone else who would do it. Senator Sexton is way too out of the loop, and I suppose it could be the NASA guy; anyway this portion of the book has been keeping me interested.


Lindsay and Sarah said...

I agree with you about the switching chapters. I kept wanting to skip ahead through the descriptions to get to a part that would answer my questions, only to find that none of them were answered, only restated. While this creates suspense and intrigue, I just want answers! I don’t think that the NASA guy could be responsible for the whole scam, and though Tench does seem too obvious, she also was quick to stop Rachel from telling people and didn’t want to let the president know about the problems with the meteorite. Mike’s sudden memory about spinnaker flying was way too convenient and cheesy. If I was about to die that would definitely not be what I would be thinking about. Brown does seem good at picking up obscure facts and incorporating them into the book though; I’ve never heard of spinnaker flying.

P.S. Next time pick a color to post in like the cooler people in the blog.

Travis said...

Your right, the book has definitely gotten better in the second part. I also agree that Brown does make the book extremely confusing, but I think that it is the confusion that makes me want to read more. If Brown just let you know what was going on all the time I think the book would become boring and a slow read. That makes the confusion, although no one seems to like it, very important to the book and the reader. I disagree with you on the flash backs, I think if I was in a similar situation, my brain would bring flash backs on anything that could save me.

P.S. We are the cool ones because we didn’t use color.