Sunday, September 28, 2008

"Ice ice baby..."

Well it seems that we have finally reached the deception part of the book. I can somewhat forgive brown for his lengthy beginning to set up so many characters because now he can’t seem to wait to kill them all off. I kind of got the vibe of who he was going to kill even before it happened. I mean he can’t kill corky because he’s the jester. Rachel and Michael are also far too important to die from “snow asphyxiation” or death by flying Micro-bug. Brown also seems to take a page from Shakespeare in how Hubris is the downfall of Norah. As for what’s happening state side, I am glad to say that the political intrigue is still thick as ever. The news that Tench is the secret informant does seem interesting. But this sudden plot development tasted sour to me. Brown continues to annoy me with how he will randomly tie two things together just to enhance the plot. As a writer he can do this but I find it somewhat annoying that I have no way of figuring it out by myself. I understand he needs to hide some of these things from us for twists and other things. However some of the interest is ruined when he can just do whatever he wants and leave me confused for another couple chapters.

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