Sunday, September 28, 2008

Deception Point Blog Entry #2

The book has definitely picked up now. As soon as I got to the part with Ming I couldn’t put it down until I finished it. Brown certainly likes killing people off, and has interesting ways of doing it. Getting pushed out of a plane, falling in a hole of freezing glowing water because you were poked in the eye by a robot mosquito, and suffocating on snow are definitely ways I have never heard of or would’ve thought of. Three people have already died, and Michael, Corky, Rachel, and another new “target” are possibly going to be next. I was very surprised when Gabrielle’s informant turned out to be Marjorie Tench, but we still don’t know who Marjorie got the information from, so that question is only half answered. The only reason Marjorie would’ve sent Gabrielle the information about NASA would be if she already knew that they would find the meteorite. Or did they find the meteorite already by then? Is she part of the conspiracy or is that too obvious? And if the meteorite is fake, how do they explain the chondrules and the fusion crust? The only problem I have with this part of the book is that the chapters all end on cliffhangers, so it seems to take too long to continue on with the separate parts of the plot. I can’t wait to find out how Brown manages to explain all of this.


1 comment:

Ashton said...

I agree with you about the plot definitely seeming to pick up. How amusing is it that EVERYONE seems to get more interested when people start randomly dying in creative ways? He does seem unusually good at coming up with lots of ways to kill people off without being repetitive in the least. I feel like that would make me slightly nervous if I actually knew him in real life. It is somewhat annoying that the main way you are kept interested in the book is because of the fact that you NEVER have any idea what is going on. And when you think that you do, you quickly find out that you really don't have a clue because the only logical guesses are shot down by the next cliffhanger. Overall, though, it has been good so far.