Sunday, September 28, 2008

Deception Point Blog 2

This book is getting so exciting. I'm not really bugged that I can't guess what's going to happen until Brown introduces it because it's so shocking and exciting then. Sometimes when Brown is beating around the bush right before the good part, I start skimming down the page to get to the action and then go back and reread what I skipped over. I think the plot is so interesting and I like how everything is coming together. I love the thought that the meteorite is a fake and that Rachel can figure it out when an acclaimed astrophysicist can’t. By the way, I picture Corky as Dwight Schrute from The Office and I think it’s hilarious! When the meteor was first introduced as benefiting the president’s reelection, I thought that was too convenient, and now to think it’s a fake planted there for that very purpose is perfect. We still don’t know for sure if it is a fake, but I think it is. How horrible to lie to the whole world about a topic as big as extraterrestrial life! I’d like to believe that the President is innocent of this little ploy, but how would his senior advisor be involved and not himself? It’s hard for me to stop reading at this point because everything is so intriguing and it feels like now every chapter is a piece to the puzzle instead of an introduction or something irrelevant.
P.S. The snow pellet gun is amazing! I want one! But maybe one that’s not lethal.


Zack said...

I agree with what you have said on almost every level. I am the kind of person who likes to know exactly what happens twelve chapters before the subject is even mentioned. On one hand this kind of writing makes me mad; and on the other hand I want to keep reading so I find everything out. In the end I end up reading for days while completely involved in the book. I’m getting used to not knowing what will happen but I’m not sure if I like it so much. Sometimes when Dan Brown beats around the bush it just adds to my aggravation and I end up taking a two-minute break from what I was reading to determine whether or not what he is saying is relevant to the story over all or if he is just building the suspense.

Lindsay and Sarah said...

It made me laugh when you said that you skip down to the action sometimes because I do that when I read all the time. I didn’t skim as much in this book because the plot was so spaced out between chapters, but I couldn’t help sometimes skipping over the scientific discussions to when they figure something out. I thought that the meteorite was too good to be true for Herney also, and I wonder how they’re going to prove that it’s fake now that the press conference has already happened. I’m not sure if Herney is directly involved in the deception, but someone definitely wants him reelected. The snow pellet gun is pretty cool (haha get it), and I want a nonlethal one too!