Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I've divided the book into three sections which will correspond with your postings.
By midnight of Sun. Sept. 21 read through page 103 (chapter 27) and write one 200-word blog. After everyone has posted, you need to write a 100-word blog response to one of the postings by midnight of Wed. Sept. 24.
By midnight of Sun. Sept. 28 read through page 300 (chapter 88) and write one 200-word blog. After everyone has posted, you need to write a 100-word blog response to one of the postings by midnight of Wed. Oct. 1.
By midnight of Sun. Oct. 5 read through the end and write one 200-word blog. After everyone has posted, you need to write a 100-word blog response to one of the postings by midnight of Wed. Oct. 8.
Remember this is the minimum. Feel free to respond to more than one posting.

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