Monday, September 22, 2008

Deception Point Blog 1

Sorry guys, I just now figured out how to do this, my blog has been on my own page since Sunday night.

I've never read a book like Deception Point before or any other by Dan Brown. It is captivating and the plot could be in an action movie. I’m really impressed with the technology used throughout the book; the author’s note at the beginning that says that the organizations and technologies in this story are real surprised me as I read about mosquito-sized microbots and on-the-spot DNA analysis for personal identification. And this book was published in 2001, so think of what other cool things have been invented in the last seven years. I also like the role of politics in the story. I think it’s interesting to read about a presidential election when one is happening right now. Reading all the political secrets in this book makes me wonder how corrupt politics is to this day. Probably more than I’d like to know about. I think it is so ironic though how both presidential candidates in the story have a brilliant woman behind them: Majorie Tench and Gabrielle Ashe, who help their bosses in remarkable ways. I love the characters in this book; they feel so real and distinct. Some of them go well together (Rachel and Michael Tolland) and some clash (Corky Marlinson and Norah Mangor), and its really funny I think. Overall, I really like the book so far.

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