Sunday, September 28, 2008

Deception Point blog #2

After reading the first third of the book I waited in anticipation for many chapters; waiting for what Dan Brown was going to think of next. So much happened in the beginning of the book I knew something big was about to go down. The book began to really pick up again for me when Wailee Ming was attacked and killed by Delta-one. This sparked the chain of events that pushed me to read on in the book. One thing I particularly enjoyed about Dan Brown’s writing was how he made it seem as if the characters were only paranoid before the attack; just like how someone would do if they saw something in the dark. This makes the characters’ traits seem more plausible. The attack threw many more questions at me. Who called for the attack? Why would they need to change where the meteor was found? And if they inserted it into glacier, was this a legitimate find? All of Elkstrom’s strange behaviors force me to believe that he is the person in charge of the attack on Rachel and the scientists. He decided to hide Wailee’s body and he sent all of them out to the ice in the first place so he knew where they were when the attack occurred. This leads me to believe that he is in charge and he is trying to dispose of them before they tell anyone else what they have found out about the meteorite. There are many questions left not fully answered that I need to find out.

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