Sunday, September 28, 2008

Blog Entry #2

While I was reading these chapters, I got increasingly annoyed with the chapter endings. It took Brown forever to explain what was in the extraction pit, and it was just some glowing plankton. The last sentences of some of the chapters were so cheesy, too. The chapters barely revealed anything, and it took multiple chapters to get back to the same storyline. Why didn’t he just explain Norah’s plan to validate the ice data in the chapter where she came up with it? Instead, he ended that chapter on yet another cliffhanger and skipped to the story with Gabrielle and Tench, went back to the main plot without revealing anything useful, put in another chapter on Gabrielle and Tench, spent another chapter on Rachel without revealing anything, described Gabrielle’s situation for the third time, before finally explaining the plan. It wasn’t like that plan was crucial to the plot of the story or that it was something the reader could figure out. There was no reason to leave it unexplained except to make that chapter (and the next 6) unnecessarily suspenseful. And what was with Tolland’s sudden memory that just happened to give him an idea of how to escape? That seemed a little too convenient to me. After those chapters, the plot got a little more bearable and I actually enjoyed reading it again. It still left me with questions at the end of this section, but at least now they were about more important things. What is the connection between Tench and Ekstrom? Why did Harper lie about PODS? Who is the fourth person on the Delta team’s hit list? The overall impression of this section was still good, in spite of the annoying chapters at the beginning. At least all of my questions have to be answered in the next section because it’s the end.


Whitney said...

I understand what you mean about the chapter endings. They are really annoying sometimes, especially when Brown says things like, "If only they knew what was coming next," and then ends the chapter and switches characters. That makes me mad because I want to know right then what is going to happen. Other times though, when he just gives a subtle hint, I think, "Ooh, it sounds like something exciting is going to happen." Overall, I think this section has been really entertaining, especially with all of the new twists in the plot. I too am excited to finish the book, so everything comes together.

O-ski said...

Well all I can hope for is that most of these questions get answered. I agree with you in how it seems almost painful when Brown continues to shove information our way that really doesn’t seem to matter. This is also where the character switching seems unbearable. The fact that he’ll introduce a question and then jaunt over to some other line of thought it’s really annoying. I could not agree more with you on how this section went: little boring and dry with a lot of questions being raised but still not too bad overall.