Sunday, September 28, 2008

Blog 2

The book is getting better and better the more I read. I love the way Brown twists everything together, twist it back, and then twists it again. I still think that constantly shifting from character to character has helped this book so much. I think (although it would still be intriguing) it wouldn’t hold my interest nearly as well if it was long drags of information regarding one character and then shifting. I think the constant shifts lets me begin to formulate my opinions about each happening, move on, formulate more opinions and then find out what happens (which sometimes comes from left field and sometimes comes right down the middle). It has really let me begin analyzing instead of having it all just thrust before me in a continuous plot line. The farther I’ve gotten the more it seems like Brown has just thrown every idea he had for the book in and then randomly arranged them all into a plot that would make some sense to the reader, I mean there is really a lot of different things that have been taking place in this book. I can only hope that the ending will hold strong and not disappoint.

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