Sunday, October 5, 2008

Blog Entry #3

I really liked how Brown tied everything together at the end. Even the little things, like when Gabrielle drove past the explosion site on her way to see Senator Sexton, made it seem well organized. The attack on the Goya was really intense and I like the creative ways that Rachel and Tolland took out Delta-Two and Delta-Three. I didn’t really like how Tolland killed Delta-Three so easily, but I guess it had to be done to intimidate Pickering and Delta-One. I guessed that Tench was the one who was going to be killed, not Pickering, but it was just because Brown did the same thing in the Da Vinci Code with the trusted person being the one behind everything. That was the only part I didn’t really like, because I don’t think the reason behind Pickering’s actions was that strong. NASA was still responsible for his daughter’s death, and I don’t think that a real person would be okay with killing more people the save the company that did that. Corky cracked me up when he kept telling the story of how he peed on himself to get away from the sharks. In all, I think that this book was good, but not great. There wasn’t really a lot of feeling in it, just constant action and suspense. I guess it was a thriller, so that’s how it was supposed to be, but most of the things that happened could be predicted (like the megaplume exploding) and the main twist of “who’s the bad guy” wasn’t really supported.

1 comment:

lena baker said...

I totally agree with you about the whole Pickering/NASA thing. I don't think any sane person would kill four people to protect a company responsible for their daughter's death. But then again,if you're killing people, no matter what the reason, you're probably not sane anyway. I liked the way Brown tied some things together too, but the way none of the clues pointed to Pickering made me feel that overall the book was unorganized. Brown seemed like he was so preoccupied with making the reader think that Tench was the "bad guy" that he forgot to make Pickering a logical choice. I think he should have put in at least a few clues that pointed to Pickering, but none of them did. And after finishing, that really annoyed me.