Sunday, October 5, 2008

Last Post

The end of Deception Point was....interesting. I liked how everything came together at the end, Gabrielle was rid of her guilt and Sexton got what he deserved, and all the good guys made it out okay, but there seemed to be some major plot holes. Like what in the world would motivate Pickering to lie to the entire world to get a guy he didn't even like elected and a company he hated prestige? It was also impossible for the reader to figure out the twist themselves; you may have guessed it was Pickering, but not because that made sense. Some people might have figured it out because Tench seemed too obvious, or Pickering seemed too good, but not because of logic. The only way to figure out it was Pickering before hand was to observe Brown's literary technique. And if Pickering was the bad guy, then why was Tench giving Gabrielle information, it couldn't have been because she wanted to make the announcement of the meteorite hit Sexton harder, because she was sending the information before she know about the finding. Don't get me wrong, the book was good, and definitely a thriller (I couldn't put it down), but in retrospect, it could have been better. Like instead of NASA being responsible for Pickering's daughter's death, make Sexton somehow twistedly responsible, then the whole thing would make a lot more sense.


Lindsay and Sarah said...

I agree with you about Tench. The only thing I can think of that would explain her giving the information about NASA to Gabrielle is if the meteorite was already there by then and she knew about it. Or if she was somehow against Herney, but that doesn't really make sense either. Unless she was also in on the deception and Pickering decided to get rid of her… Either way, Brown leaves that part hanging. Making Sexton responsible would definitely have made the book better, and it wouldn't be that hard to do. One more secret revealed at the end wouldn’t really make that much of a difference. At least he did seem to end the part with Sexton well; I think everyone would agree he definitely got what he deserved.

P.S. You still didn't post in color!

Lindsay and Sarah said...

This is Lindsay by the way