Sunday, October 5, 2008

The LAST blog

Dan Brown has done a wonderful job with Digital Fortress. I think the book finished very well and was an interesting read. Even though towards the end of the book you began to suspect Pickering, especially after the chapter of him driving down the highway and then the delta force killing the car at the FDR memorial, at the beginning I wouldn’t have. I think the mega plum part might have been a little over the top, though, but the book ended very well and tidied up all of the loose ends. I personally like the way that Brown ended the book with a well the controversy that just happened was completely pointless, because that stuff is naturally they just don’t know about it. Now that I’m thinking of it more, I think I have begun to figure out Pickering as the logical choice. The President was just not that type of person and Tench was more concerned about reelection than a conspiracy, but Pickering could not stand to see Sexton elected and have all of the encrypted and covert documentation of NASA be released to public space agency. He didn’t really care about NASA or the President; he was just concerned for the safety of information. Now that it’s done, I am really glad that I have read this book, it was intriguing.


Zack said...

First of all why does it matter to a Deception Point book chat; that Digital Fortress ends well? I’m just wondering I’m not saying you’re wrong; just an explanation would be nice. I do agree with you on your understanding of why Pickering was the logical choice for the main villain. Tench was too obvious, and the president was too innocent. Pickering was the head of the NRO. This position required him to constantly protect American secrets at all costs. When one is given too much power they will eventually abuse it. This is what happened with Pickering. He was simply on the top of the totem pole for too long of a time. His tyranny had to end; and it did on top of the mega plume (not mega plum). Yeah that’s pretty much it, but I didn’t want to end with the parentheses. It didn’t seem like a good idea.

Travis said...

Haha thanks. I guess i was pretty tired when i wrote it.

Travis said...

Ok "plume" and "Deception Point" happy?