Monday, October 6, 2008

Deception Point Blog 3

I thought that this book was really good and I loved how everything came together at the end. It was really like watching a movie in my brain, which I liked because I then I could picture the characters how I thought they should be. I didn’t think that when Corky, Michael, and Rachel made a quick stop aboard the Goya to collect data, that almost the whole rest of the book would take place there. I was utterly shocked when I found that Pickering was the controller. I was convinced that he was assassinated at the FDR memorial and Tench was the controller. Tench was easier to believe as a villain and Pickering’s excuse for this whole ordeal as protecting NASA is lame. It doesn’t feel like his character is evil or that his resentment for his daughter’s death is enough to make him create a lie that big for the sake of national security. When I found out it was him, I wanted to go back and reread the whole book and make sense of all the instances I assumed that the White House or NASA were corrupt. I loved the press conference ordeal and how Senator Sexton got what he deserved and Gabrielle became a political martyr in order to do what was best for the whole nation. I thought that the meteor being dropped back into the sea at the end was a good ending; especially how the fish swam away and the fake meteor was forever left in that state of disinterest.

1 comment:

O-ski said...

Well glad to see that someone liked the book! Although I will agree: The last bits of the book did seem to play out a bit more like a movie didn’t they? I do agree that with how Pickering was a good twist but how could you be compelled to reread any of this book? I didn’t really find Tench to be more compelling as a villain as opposed to Pickering though. The whole scene at the end seems much more drawn out than any of the other scenes in the book. As for the whole meteor being dropped back into the ocean I felt that that was unnecessary and really didn’t serve much purpose.